Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson - Essay Example The townspeople all stone the â€Å"winner† to death at the end. The story, in effect, goes to prove the mindlessness of ritual. I agree that all around us people cling to rituals despite evidence that proves their futility and the detrimental effect thereof. It has always been ordinary people, and not especially vile or depraved ones, who have held strongly to rituals, and it is always these people who have carried out and condoned acts of savagery in the name of ritual. This theme is present in the story as well. It seems that Shirley Jackson has shown common townsfolk in the story to emphasize this very point. Jackson has, for instance, portrayed Mrs. Hutchinson as a common housewife, busy with her household works and taking care of her family. Upon being late at the event, she comments nonchalantly how she was busy washing the dishes (Jackson). Common people cling on to ritual and this is their way of defying the changing times. People do not take well to change. There is something within us, I feel, that makes us want to yearn for days gone by and for things we are accustomed to. This comfort is given to them through rituals as well. There is a certain nostalgia, as well as comfort, in performing rituals that makes them so hard to give up. When there is talk among the townsfolk about people in other villages giving up the lottery, an old man (Old Man Warner, to be exact) retorts how there is â€Å"nothing but trouble in that† (Jackson). His way of defending the lottery is not only that it is good for them, but also that â€Å"there’s always been a lottery† (Jackson). This is an interesting take, because it illustrates how the archaic nature of the ritual lottery is what gives it credence in the eyes of the old man. However, all in all it seems , there is not enough thought given about the ritual itself, and merely the fact that it has always been done is enough for it to continue. The very essence of a ritual is normally lost upon those who practice it. I

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