Sunday, December 29, 2019

UTC, GMT, and Zulu Time Explained

When you read weather forecasts and maps, you may notice a four-digit number followed by the letter Z somewhere at their bottom or top. This alpha-numeric code is called Z time, UTC, or GMT. All three are time standards in the weather community and keep meteorologists—regardless of where in the world they forecast from—using the same 24-hour clock, which helps avoid confusion when tracking weather events between time zones. Although the three terms are used interchangeably, there are small differences in meaning. GMT Time: Definition Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the clock time at the Prime Meridian (0 º longitude) in Greenwich, England. Here, the word mean means average. It refers to the fact that noon GMT is the moment on average each year when the sun is at its highest point in the sky at the Greenwich meridian. (Because of Earths uneven speed in its elliptical orbit and its axial tilt, noon GMT isnt always when the sun crosses the Greenwich meridian.)   History of GMT.  The use of GMT began in 19th century Great Britain when British mariners would use the time at the Greenwich Meridian and the time at their ships position to determine the ships longitude. Because the UK was an advanced maritime nation at the time, other mariners adopted the practice and it eventually spread worldwide as a standard time convention independent of location. The Problem with GMT. For astronomical purposes, the GMT day was said to start at noon and run until noon the following day. This made it easier for astronomers because they could log their observational data (taken overnight) under a single calendar date. But for everyone else, the GMT day started at midnight. When everyone switched to the midnight-based convention in the 1920s and 1930s, this midnight-based time standard was given the new name of Universal Time to avoid any confusion. Since this change, the term GMT isnt used much anymore, except by those living in the UK and its Commonwealth countries where its used to describe the local time during the winter months. (Its analogous to our Standard Time here in the United States.) UTC Time: Definition Coordinated Universal Time is a modern version of Greenwich Mean Time. As mentioned above, the phrase, which refers to GMT as counted from midnight, was coined in the 1930s. Other than this, one of the biggest differences between GMT and UTC is that UTC does not observe Daylight Saving Time. Backward Abbreviation. Ever wonder why the acronym for Coordinated Universal Time isnt CUT? Basically, UTC is a compromise between the English (Coordinated Universal Time) and French phrases (Temps Universel Coordonnà ©). the use the same official abbreviation in all languages.   Another name for UTC Time is Zulu or Z Time. Zulu Time: Definition Zulu, or Z Time is UTC Time, only by a different name. To understand where the z comes from, consider the worlds time zones. YEach is expressed as a certain number of hours ahead of UTC or behind UTC? (For example, UTC -5 is Eastern Standard Time.) The letter z refers to the Greenwich time zone, which is zero hours (UTC 0). Since the NATO phonetic alphabet (Alpha for A, Bravo for B, Charlie for C...) word for z is Zulu, we also call it Zulu Time.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Seven Lincoln Douglas Debates - 866 Words

The Seven Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of political debates for a Senate seat of Illinois between Abraham Lincoln, Illinois lawyer and the Republican candidate, and Stephen A. Douglas, senator from Illinois since 1847, for the Democratic Party. Lincoln and Douglas held one debate in each in seven congressional districts in Illinois. The first debate was held on August 21, 1858. Ottawa, north-central Illinois, The debates centered on the issue of slavery. Douglas accused Lincoln with trying to â€Å"abolitionize† the Whig and Democratic Parties and he also charged Lincoln as a radical abolitionist while Lincoln accused Douglas most importantly trying to nationalize slavery actively conspiring with the south. Veracity, Accusation and Conspiracy in Lincoln s Campaign for the Senate by Fred J. Kauffeld, Edgewood College, illustrates Lincoln accusation of Douglas being an active conspirator or a tool for Southern leadership is doubtful while Stephen A. Douglas and the Sout h by Robert W. Johannsen, University of Illinois investigates the root history, desires and political association of Douglas with southern states of United states. According to Kauffeld, Abraham Lincoln indicted his opponent, Douglas, as he was active in a conspiracy with the south to ensure the permanence of slavery and to extend it throughout to the Free States. Which Kauffeld finds it â€Å"surprising and disheartening† and believe it was consequences of Douglas s policies such as Popular Sovereignty. AsShow MoreRelatedLincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples1458 Words   |  6 Pageslasts much longer than just the initial outcome. The Lincoln Douglas Debates are by far one of the truest examples of this happening. The seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that took place in 1858 had extreme importance in Illinois that created effects that decided the presidential election of 1860. The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of several debates that took place all over the state of Illinois. In these debates, two men argued in order to express their beliefs andRead More Debates Essay685 Words   |  3 Pages Before engaging in the debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln was relatively unknown in the political world and was just beginning his career in politics. Abraham Lincoln’s reputation was just starting to grow, and his life was about to make a drastic change. The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 were a turning point in Abraham Lincoln’s political career. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; After being nominated to the Illinois legislature, Lincoln gave his famous â€Å"House Divided† speech whichRead MoreThe Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Their Profound Effect on Political Affairs683 Words   |  3 Pageswere a time of bitter debate throughout the United States. The issues of slavery, states rights, and the use of tariffs were threatening to divide the nation and there was talk of secession by the Southern states. This dissension was not just between the individual states but spread as well to individual politicians throughout all the states. Probably one of the most widely recognized examples of this dissension were the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in their efforts to seekRead MoreThe Election Of 1860, The North And Southern States Of America1191 Words   |  5 Pagesshould be allowed in new territories. Following closely on the heels of many of these divisive problems was the Election of 1860, in which Abraham Li ncoln won without carrying a single Southern state. 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Douglas, engaged in a series of seven debatesRead MoreLincoln and Douglas Debates1171 Words   |  5 PagesLincoln and Douglas Debates The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the republican candidate, and the incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas, a Democratic Party candidate, for a seat in the United States Senate. During the time period of the debates, Senators were elected by state legislators; therefore Lincoln and Douglas were competing for their respective parties to win control of the Illinois Legislature. The main issue for the debates wasRead More Abraham Lincoln Through Many Lenses Essays1740 Words   |  7 Pagesindirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.quot; Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States or Jefferson Davis, President , President of the Confederate States of America? Answer: Abraham Lincoln - First Inaugural Address - March 4, 1861. 6) What was the major emphasis of the Emancipation Proclamation? Answer: The Emancipation Proclamation is 540 words long. of those, 400Read MoreBiography of Abraham Lincoln1047 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Lincoln was a self-educated lawyer who did not support slavery. He surprised many people when he became the 16th President mainly because he beat out several promising contenders. During the Civil War Lincoln became quite brilliant with military strategy and an excellent wartime leader. With the Union on the brink of victory Lincoln became a martyr when he was shot and killed by a Confederate sympathizer by the name of John Wilkes Booth. Over time Lincoln became known as one of the greatestRead MoreThe Battle Of The Civil War1163 Words   |  5 Pages Four score and seven years ago... These are the famous words that start Abraham Lincoln s famous Gettysburg Address from November 19, 1963, which was an inspiring speech regarding equal rights. This speech was delivered during a time when much of the country was at odds on the very topic of slavery and equal rights for all men. In the 1860’s, equal rights were a hot button issue. Slavery was a major point of debate during Lincoln’s run for presidency in 1860. The debate over equal rights

Friday, December 13, 2019

Fasb Asc Project Free Essays

FASB ASC Project 1. The inventory at your company consists of computer software that the company has developed and is selling. You capitalized (rather than expensed) the cost of duplicating the software, the instruction manuals, and training material that are sold with the software. We will write a custom essay sample on Fasb Asc Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now FASB ASC CITATION: Product Masters 985-330-25-1 The costs incurred for duplicating the computer software, documentation, and training materials from the  product masters  and for physically packaging the product for distribution shall be capitalized as inventory on a unit-specific basis. Answer 1: According to the FASB Codification, a completed version, ready for copying, of the computer software product, the documentation, and the training materials that are to be sold, are the property of the company. Also, the Codification states that all the costs incurred for copying the software should be capitalized rather than expensed. 2. Your company paid $2,000,000 for a 30-second commercial to be aired during the SuperBowl 5 months from today. The ad has already been produced at a cost of $1,000,000. You capitalized the $2,000,000 cost of showing the ad on television rather than expensing it. FASB ASC CITATION: Communicating Advertising 720-35-25-5 Costs of communicating advertising are not incurred until the item or service has been received and shall not be reported as expenses before the item or service has been received, except as discussed in paragraph  340-20-25-2. For example: * a. The costs of television airtime shall not be reported as advertising expense before the airtime is used. Once it is used, the costs shall be expensed, unless the airtime was used for direct-response advertising activities that meet the criteria for capitalization under paragraph  340-20-25-4. Answer 2: The FASB Interpretation states that the costs of showing the ad on television should expensed, rather than capitalized unless it is direct-response advertizing. According to the FASB Interpretation 340-20-25-6, Criteria to Capitalize Direct-Response Advertising Costs, our example does not meet the criteria of direct-response advertising activities. For example, there are no means of getting files, coupons, response cards, or coded order forms, which would indicate the customer names and the related direct-response advertisement. Therefore, we cannot capitalize any costs relating to the communicating advertising. Furthermore, Codification guides that the advertising cost should not be reported until the service is received and used. Thus, recording the expenses five months in advance we are breaking matching principle of accounting. 3. Your company sells a product in which the â€Å"right of return† exists. The amount of future returns cannot be reasonably estimated, therefore, you do not record the sale or cost of goods sold until the return privilege has expired. FASB ASC CITATION: Sales of Product when Right of Return Exists 605-15-25-1 If an entity sells its product but gives the buyer the right to return the product, revenue from the sales transaction shall be recognized at time of sale only if all of the following conditions are met: * a. The seller’s price to the buyer is substantially fixed or determinable at the date of sale. * b. The buyer has paid the seller, or the buyer is obligated to pay the seller and the obligation is not contingent on resale of the product. If the buyer does not pay at time of sale and the buyer’s obligation to pay is contractually or implicitly excused until the buyer resells the product, then this condition is not met. * c. The buyer’s obligation to the seller would not be changed in the event of theft or physical destruction or damage of the product. * d. The buyer acquiring the product for resale has economic substance apart from that provided by the seller. This condition relates primarily to buyers that exist on paper, that is, buyers that have little or no physical facilities or employees. It prevents entities from recognizing sales revenue on transactions with parties that the sellers have established primarily for the purpose of recognizing such sales revenue. * e. The seller does not have significant obligations for future performance to directly bring about resale of the product by the buyer. f. The amount of future returns can be reasonably estimated (see paragraphs  605-15-25-3 through 25-4). Because detailed record keeping for returns for each product line might be costly in some cases, this Subtopic permits reasonable aggregations and approximations of product returns. As explained in paragraph  605-15-15-2, exchanges by ultimate customers of one item for another of the same kind, quality, and price (for example, one color or size for another) are not considered returns for purposes of this Subtopic. Answer 3: According to the FASB Codification, revenue from the sale should not be recognized at the time of sale, unless all of the six following conditions are met: (1) The seller’s price to the buyer is substantially fixed or determinable at the date of sale. (2)The buyer has paid the seller, or the buyer is obligated to pay the seller, and the obligation is not contingent on resale of the product. 3)The buyer’s obligation to the seller would not be changed in the event of theft or physical destruction or damage of the product. (4)The buyer acquiring the product for resale has economic substance apart from that provided by the seller. (5)The seller does not have significant obligations for future performance to directly bring about re sale of the product by the buyer. (6)The seller can reasonably estimate the amount of future returns. Since we cannot estimate the amount of future returns in our example, condition #6 is not met. Therefore, sales revenue and cost of sales should be recognized either when the return privilege has substantially expired or if those conditions subsequently are met, whichever occurs first. 4. Your company has goods primarily held for resale. You have been asked whether or not they are considered nonmonetary assets. FASB ASC CITATION: Monetary and Nonmonetary  Items 255-10-55-1 Paragraphs 255-10-55-1 through 55-13 of this Section provide guidance on the interpretation of paragraphs  255-10-50-50 through 50-55  for the classification of certain asset and liability items as monetary or nonmonetary. The following table illustrates the application of the definitions to common cases under typical circumstances. In other circumstances the classification should be resolved by reference to the definitions. Answer 4: The FASB Codification provides guidance on how to classify monetary and nonmonetary assets and liabilities. For typical circumstances it suggests using a classification table, and for non-typical circumstances Codification guides to refer to the definitions. To begin with, let us appeal to the definition of â€Å"inventory†. The term inventory embraces goods awaiting sale (the merchandise of a trading concern and the finished goods of a manufacturer), goods in the course of production (work in process), and goods to be consumed directly or indirectly in production (raw materials and supplies). Thus, we assume that â€Å"goods held primarily for resale† can be treated as inventory. According to the classification table, inventories and commodity inventories should be treated as nonmonetary assets. 5. Your company has an unconditional legal obligation to perform an asset retirement activity (asset retirement obligation) in the future. The only uncertainty is whether the obligation will be enforced. Should you record the asset retirement obligation? FASB ASC CITATION: Asset Retirement Obligation 410-20-25-4 An entity shall recognize the fair value of a liability for an asset retirement obligation  in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. If a reasonable estimate of fair value cannot be made in the period the asset retirement obligation is incurred, the liability shall be recognized when a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. If a tangible long-lived  asset with an existing  asset retirement obligation is acquired, a liability for that obligation  shall be recognized at the asset’s acquisition date as if that obligation  were incurred on that date. Answer 5: This Interpretation clarifies that the term conditional asset retirement obligation refers to a legal obligation to perform the asset retirement activity in which the timing and (or) method of settlement are conditional on a future event that may or may not be within the control of the entity. The obligation to perform the asset retirement activity is unconditional even though uncertainty exists about the timing and (or) method of settlement. Thus, an we are required to recognize a liability for the fair value of a conditional asset retirement obligation when incurred if the liability’s fair value can be reasonably estimated. 6. You use accounting accruals to record probable loss contingencies. Does the recording of the accruals provide financial protection, for example, is it the same as setting aside specific assets to cover the probable claims? FASB ASC CITATION: Loss Contingencies Recognition 450-20-25-2 An estimated loss from a loss contingency shall be accrued by a charge to income if both of the following conditions are met: * a. Information available before the financial statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section  855-10-25) indicates that it is probable that an asset had been impaired or a liability had been incurred at the date of the financial statements. Date of the financial statements means the end of the most recent accounting period for which financial statements are being presented. It is implicit in this condition that it must be probable that one or more future events will occur confirming the fact of the loss. * b. The amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. The purpose of those conditions is to require accrual of losses when they are reasonably estimable and relate to the current or a prior period. Paragraphs  450-20-55-1 through 55-17  and Examples 1–2 (see paragraphs  450-20-55-18 through 55-35) illustrate the application of the conditions. As discussed in paragraph  450-20-50-5, disclosure is preferable to accrual when a reasonable estimate of loss cannot be made. Further, even losses that are reasonably estimable shall not be accrued if it is not probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred at the date of an entity’s financial statements because those losses relate to a future period rather than the current or a prior period. Attribution of a loss to events or activities of the current or prior periods is an element of asset impairment or liability incurrence. Answer 6: According to GAAP, using accounting accruals is required if two conditions are met: – If the asset has been impaired or liability has been incurred prior to the date of financial statement, and, thus, relate to the current or prior period; – If the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated; Let us assume that both of the conditions are met in our example, and using of accounting accruals is justified. Thinking of financial protection we can say that accruals certainly help companies to avoid unexpected losses on financial statements. Since it is necessary to be able to make a reasonable estimate of loss in the right period, accruing a liability technically looks like setting aside money to cover those needs. However, setting aside specific assets to satisfy future needs seems to be safer since restricting an asset we assume that it exists physically whereas accruing a liability does not guarantee the company will be able to pay. How to cite Fasb Asc Project, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Study Evidence Inclined Practice Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Study Evidence Inclined Practice Management? Answer: Introducation Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee is an incessant condition treated with analgesics and non-steroidal calming drugs (NSAIDS).The malady influences large joints, for example, hip joint and knees and furthermore joints of the hands. The ligament at the joints is harmed, the fundamental subchondral bone framework is redesigned, and the constant aggravation of the synovium (Ashford and Williard, 2014). OA is regarded the primary source of incapacity with an obscure reason or remedy. The worldwide age institutionalized predominance for OA of the knee and hip has as of late been accounted for to be approximately 3.8 and 0.85 %, individually (Pickren, 2011). There are countless of fluctuating viability for OA. A few pharmacological operators have been utilized for administration of OA. Using the NSAIDs has appeared to be compelling for agony alleviation and development of capacity amongst people suffering from osteoarthrosis. In any case, it should be contemplated that NSAIDs are solut ions that cure the indications and hardly have they been connected with a change of the particular history of OA. Also, the restriction on unending utilization of NSAIDs is because they lead to unfavorable consequences for the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular frameworks, which are discovered fundamentally among elderly patients (Garner et al., 2002). As of late, new solutions are being considered in medications for OA. Inside this modern setting, glucosamine with chondroitin has risen as contrasting organic options to sedate treatment. Additionally, most as of late, a mix Meriva and Glucosamine has been used for the treatment of OA, and it is touted to be superior to the next pharmacological treatments. This paper will concentrate on contrasting the adequacy of glucosamine and chondroitin blend and that of glucosamine and Meriva on the treatment of OA. Many examinations have been led to find out the suitability of these medications however not all circumstances have been considered. Belcaro et, al. (2014) did an in vivo inquire about the appropriateness of the drug mixes in treating OA. The four-month organization of the medications considers was carried on 124 patients with grade one to two of knee OA. The Karnofsky performance scale index empowered the arrangement of the patients to their characteristic physiological impedance. This scale was additionally utilized in surveying the viability of the medications and anticipation in singular patients. The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) survey was employed in depicting and rating the indications of OA. The patients were likewise subjected to treadmill test, and their execution was assessed at 3km/hr. And the separation secured without pain was noted up to the finish of the trial. The information acquired was measurably investigated utilizing the Stud ent's t test with 0.05 significance. On the discoveries, the Karnofsky record was altogether higher in Meriva and glucosamine when contrasted with glucosamine and chondroitin. Additionally, the separation shrouded in the treadmill test was fundamentally higher in Meriva and glucosamine than the control sample. From this examination, it was inferred that Meriva and glucosamine bring about speedier activity and enhanced result in correlation with the mix of glucosamine and chondroitin. With these enormous discoveries, there are a few weaknesses such as the patients engaged in the examination were still a small number and the ideal opportunity for the investigation was not sufficiently long to exhaustively assess the viability of the medications. Somewhere else, McAlindon et al. (2000) tested 15 randomized control trials which dissected the advantage of utilizing glucosamine plus chondroitin for remedying knee and hip OA. They inferred that glucosamine with chondroitin created in any direct event impacts, however, the nature of the article lacked and the measurement of the results introduced were overstated. Just one of the examinations included made a satisfactory depiction of the randomization strategies, and just two entailed expectation to-treat investigation. Another important consideration was that the greater part of the whole research was supported by pharmaceutical firms. An impact of the prescription was just less in the case of extensive all around planned trials were thought. Reichenbach et al. (2007) assessed the utilization of only chondroitin sulfate in 20 inquiries with an aggregate of 3,846 people with OA. They inferred that usage of chondroitin without any combination was not related with relieving pain and physiological change. Nonetheless, an enormous extent of the examinations introduced methodological imperfections. In another review, Lee et al. (2009) assessed 1,502 cases in a meta-analysis. The necessary result of the investigation was lessened average knee arthrosis space. It was presumed that glucosamine sulfate with chondroitin sulfate deferred the movement of gonarthrosis through reduced loss of joint space following three years of utilizing the treatment. The impact obtained was small with the utilization of chondroitin. It should be accentuated that for this examination, useful change together with agony diminishment was not assessed. In a basic translation, it should be borne at the top of the priority list that even with a measurably huge distinction for utilizing the drug, this may fail to be identified with a clinically appropriate result if the radiological movement of the joint mulled over. In another audit, Black et al. (2009) achieved conflicting conclusions in regards to the clinical upgrades amongst cases utilizing glucosamine sulfate with chondroitin, with just unassuming consequences for torment and capacity. Their assessment on joint space diminishment delivered information that was steadier, yet without clinical significance. In breaking down glucosamine sulfate alone, massive upgrades in agony, capacity, and joint space diminishment were watched, yet the clinical noteworthiness of this information couldn't be characterized with any clearness. Likewise in this examination, the cost viability association with the treatment couldn't be plainly illustrated. Besides, Clegg et al. (2006) distributed a multicenter randomized control trial named GAIT, which thought about the utilization of glucosamine and chondroitin in affiliation, celecoxib and fake treatment for clinical treatment of cases with knee OA. The clinical test assessed 1,583 cases in 13 inquiries focusing on the United States. As the necessary result, the investigation got that there was a 20% abatement of agony on the WOMAC and OMERACTOARSI. The general outcome following 24 weeks of follow-up demonstrated that glucosamine and chondroitin independently or in affiliation did not contrast from fake treatment or celecoxib concerning agony control. Notwithstanding, in breaking down the subsets, the relationship amongst glucosamine and chondroitin was appeared to be compelling for reducing pain in cases with direct to severe gonarthrosis. Nonetheless, provided that the information was not created for examinations on a given subgroup, the outcomes separated from a subset should just serve to produce theories for future research. A few creators have scrutinized the findings of this examination and are contended that in the USA, glucosamine and chondroitin are substances that are thought to supplement the diet and don't experience inflexible quality control. Meriva is an improved type of curcumin that has been settled with a restrictive curcumin-phosphatidylcholine phytosome complex. In this state, curcumin can go through tissue films and has enhanced bioavailability, in this manner requiring lower measurements. Belcaro et al. (2013) led an investigation to test on the adequacy of Meriva on OA. The research included 100 patients with OA in one or the two knees and went on for eight months keeping in mind the end goal to look at the security of long haul utilize. The patients were partitioned into two groupings, a controlling bunch who used their present medicinal medications, and the tested group, who added Meriva to their current treatment design. Members were assessed by a few unique parameters toward the finish of the trial. Lab tests measured incendiary markers, for example, interleukin-1, - 6, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Useful changes were measured with a treadmill test, assessment of pain, firmness and physical capacity, a nd modifications in tranquilizer medications, hospitalization rates, and social and passionate changes. Positive outcomes were acquired for all end-focuses in this investigation in the Meriva gathering. The Meriva amass saw a critical increment in treadmill separate, noteworthy change in incendiary markers, a 63% decline in NSAID and pain killer medicine use, and a huge change in useful, social, and passionate parameters. Scientists reasoned that Meriva was observed to be a protected and viable adjunctive treatment at only two containers (1,000 mg) every day. Meriva is pivotal to the lightening of OA indications and a blend with glucosamine upgrades its movement. Inferable from the above discoveries and different investigations it is apparent that Meriva and glucosamine are a superior blend in correlation with that of glucosamine and chondroitin. The proof exhibited the exploration by Belcaro et, al. (2014) is overpowering. The activity of Meriva and glucosamine on OA is snappy, and since it mitigates the agony, it is the perfect drug for the illness. Considerably, the blend altogether decreased the requirement for medicinal consideration thus cutting on the therapeutic expenses. In any case, more extensive investigations are necessary to determine these discoveries particularly the ones did for long periods. The most utilized pharmacological mix of glucosamine and chondroitin can be substituted with that of Meriva and glucosamine since the discoveries have sealed better outcomes accomplished with Meriva. Such a step is valid for it is su pported by scientific evidence from the many studies that have been conducted on this subject. References Ashford, S., Williard, J. (2014). Osteoarthritis: A review. The Nurse Practitioner, 39(5), 1-8. Belcaro, G., Cesarone, M. R., Dugall, M., Pellegrini, L., Ledda, A., Grossi, M. G., ... Appendino, G. (2010). Efficacy and safety of Meriva (R), a curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex, during extended administration in osteoarthritis patients. Altern Med Rev, 15(4), 337-44. Belcaro, G., Dugall, M., Luzzi, R., Ledda, A., Pellegrini, L., Cesarone, M. R., ... Errichi, M. (2014). Meriva (R)+ Glucosamine versus Condroitin+ Glucosamine in patients with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 18(24), 3959-3963. Black, C., Clar, C., Henderson, R., MacEachern, C., McNamee, P., Quayyum, Z., Thomas, S. (2009). The clinical effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements in slowing or arresting progression of osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 13(52). doi:10.3310/hta13520 Garner, S. E., Fidan, D., Frankish, R. R., Judd, M., Shea, B., Towheed, T., Wells, G. A. (2002). Celecoxib for rheumatoid arthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd003831 Lee, Y. H., Woo, J., Choi, S. J., Ji, J. D., Song, G. G. (2009). Effect of glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate on the osteoarthritis progression: a meta-analysis. Rheumatology International, 30(3), 357-363. doi:10.1007/s00296-009-0969-5 McAlindon, T. E., LaValley, M. P., Gulin, J. P., Felson, D. T. (2000). Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Treatment of Osteoarthritis. JAMA, 283(11), 1469. doi:10.1001/jama.283.11.1469 Reichenbach, S., Sterchi, R., Scherer, M., Trelle, S., Brgi, E., Brgi, U., Jni, P. (2007). Meta-analysis: Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Hip. Annals of Internal Medicine, 146(8), 580. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-146-8-200704170-00009 Towheed, T. (2002). Published meta-analyses of pharmacological therapies for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 10(11), 836-837. doi:10.1053/joca.2002.0841 Wade, G. J. (2011). Rethinking the model of osteoarthritis: a clinical viewpoint. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 111(11), 631-637. Clegg, D. O., Reda, D. J., Harris, C. L., Klein, M. A., O'Dell, J. R., Hooper, M. M., Williams, H. J. (2006). Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and the Two in Combination for Painful Knee Osteoarthritis. New England Journal of Medicine, 354(8), 795-808. doi:10.1056/nejmoa052771

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Supervising Teams free essay sample

This paper discusses successful team supervision. A discussion of how to effectively supervise teams and a summary of a practical four-day seminar Supervising for Success which aimed at giving current and prospective supervisors the training and skills they need to succeed in todays challenging workplace. The author concludes that by establishing non-negotiable business processes and defining them in the plan, organizational leaders ensure compatible application of team processes. The book by Samuel Certo provides a clear, precise, current, and complete access to the essential skills of business management. It presents established concepts, substantial contemporary issues, and customary insights into applying management know-how, all toward the purpose of accomplishing organizational success. Each one of us is either supervising or is under supervision at one point or another. Take for instance, parents supervise their children. Can we say it is an individual effort! I dont think so. Our parents comprise a team in working out our difficulties and problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Supervising Teams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So the concept of team supervision is very much evident in all walks of life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Silent Hero in Our Midst †Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course)

A Silent Hero in Our Midst – Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers A Silent Hero in Our Midst Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course) A hero can be defined as someone who finds a way to overcome adversity despite the perils. My Uncle John holds true to this statement and much more. My uncle’s bravery allows him to work as a New York City firefighter, where he takes risks every day. His strong sense of responsibility enables him to hold many challenging jobs. He is a nurse, firefighter, volunteer, and a loving father. All of his patients and survivors know him for his caring personality, which is displayed when he puts the lives of others before his own. Ultimately, his bravery, responsibility, and caring personality make him a modern day hero. John portrays his bravery every day in the many life-threatening jobs he performs. From the early age of 22, my uncle has been a New York City firefighter. On the September 11th tragedy, my uncle was one of the first firefighters there. He helped save about 287 people from the building before it came crashing down. Many people would not have gone anywhere near the burning towers, but my uncle’s bravery helped him to save many innocent people. Furthermore, his bravery allows him to risk his own life while helping others. He runs into buildings with dangerous chemicals and toxins knowing that he could die at any moment. His amazing courage allows him to fight these dangerous fires every day. Helping on September 11th and risking his life for the lives of others are two things that illustrate my uncle’s bravery. My Uncle John displays his strong sense of responsibility in the jobs he takes on. As a New York City firefighter, my uncle’s job can get pretty intense. Despite the hard times in his firehouse, he somehow manages to take on two jobs. He also works the night shift as an emergency room nurse, which only gives him a few hours of sleep some nights. He must carefully plan how he is going to spend his time. My uncle also manages the huge responsibility of having a family. With four grown children and a new baby, he must find time to spend with his family. He also must provide his family with money because his wife can no longer work with the baby. Ultimately, being able to juggle two challenging jobs while managing to provide for a family of six, my Uncle John portrays a strong sense of responsibility. My Uncle John is known by friends and family for his caring personality. Every night, after leaving the firehouse, he drives down to the hospital where he works as an emergency room nurse. I once asked him how he was able to stay alert during the long working hours, and he told me that he only does it for his patients. He constantly talks about how much he loves seeing the faces of the hundreds of survivors that he helps save. Another example of his loving personality is that he is a volunteer for the organization that helps raise money for cancer. My Uncle’s sister, my Aunt Sherry, passed away five years ago. Ever since Sherry’s death, my uncle has volunteered his free time on this task. He often visits the cancer patients when he works in the hospital, and he has formed many friendships with them. My Uncle John’s work as an emergency room nurse and as a volunteer for cancer fundraisers illustrates his caring personality. Overall, my Uncle John’s bravery, responsibility, and caring personality have transformed him into a modern day hero. The bravery needed to risk his life by fighting fires is something that many people would not even consider. He displays responsibility by being able to hold two jobs while providing for a family of six. My uncle’s hard work at the hospital and long hours of volunteer work illustrate his caring personality. He puts his life second behind the lives of the innocent people he saves every day. He has become a role model for many people today, and he will continue to inspire many more. Research Papers on A Silent Hero in Our Midst - Creative Writing Essay (100 Level Course)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson - Essay Example The townspeople all stone the â€Å"winner† to death at the end. The story, in effect, goes to prove the mindlessness of ritual. I agree that all around us people cling to rituals despite evidence that proves their futility and the detrimental effect thereof. It has always been ordinary people, and not especially vile or depraved ones, who have held strongly to rituals, and it is always these people who have carried out and condoned acts of savagery in the name of ritual. This theme is present in the story as well. It seems that Shirley Jackson has shown common townsfolk in the story to emphasize this very point. Jackson has, for instance, portrayed Mrs. Hutchinson as a common housewife, busy with her household works and taking care of her family. Upon being late at the event, she comments nonchalantly how she was busy washing the dishes (Jackson). Common people cling on to ritual and this is their way of defying the changing times. People do not take well to change. There is something within us, I feel, that makes us want to yearn for days gone by and for things we are accustomed to. This comfort is given to them through rituals as well. There is a certain nostalgia, as well as comfort, in performing rituals that makes them so hard to give up. When there is talk among the townsfolk about people in other villages giving up the lottery, an old man (Old Man Warner, to be exact) retorts how there is â€Å"nothing but trouble in that† (Jackson). His way of defending the lottery is not only that it is good for them, but also that â€Å"there’s always been a lottery† (Jackson). This is an interesting take, because it illustrates how the archaic nature of the ritual lottery is what gives it credence in the eyes of the old man. However, all in all it seems , there is not enough thought given about the ritual itself, and merely the fact that it has always been done is enough for it to continue. The very essence of a ritual is normally lost upon those who practice it. I